Forging Elite Fitness & High Fives
At Block CrossFit, we believe in the power of the CrossFit community. We believe that CrossFit improves not just your physical fitness but also your life in general.
Many (if not most) of us come from non-athletic backgrounds. But in the CrossFit community, we care less about our differences and more about our similarities. We remember what it was like to do our first CrossFit workout. We remember how humiliating it was to realize we might finish last. But we also remember how everyone stuck around to cheer for us and give us high-fives when we finished…and how that made us feel like, somehow, we had won.
Block CrossFit started in a backyard in Redlands, CA with little more than passion, some homemade equipment, and a few friends. We officially opened a box in Redlands in 2012 and have since watched our members get fitter, make friends, enter competitions, and generally have fun. We’ve had regular Friday night BBQs, wedding and birthday celebrations, movie nights, and so on.
Gaining strength, power, speed, and flexibility is great. Gaining them with a bunch of friends is better!
Give us a call
(909) 213-5422
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